Friday, August 2, 2019

Resting Places

As Catholics, we talk about Jesus 'real presence' in the eucharist. Jesus chose to remain with us as the life of our life, the heart of our heart, the center of our lives and the source of our hope.
When I think of real presence, I ask what real presence are we talking about -
Is God every really absent in any meaningful way? Is there an absence of God into which Gods presence could come?
I'm reminded of the story of Noah. In the midst of an ungodly era, God comes to earth to visit Noah - who is God's resting place in a world that has lost its godliness. Noah is that place in creation where God finds resonance of spirit, and the robust presence of the divine image. The name Noah is based on the Hebrew word for a resting place.
The good shepherd gives us a resting place in the deep waters where our spirit can find harmony in the God from whom we take our origin. We rest in our always, already present God.