Saturday, September 19, 2015

Wisdom, Insight, Hopes and Dreams

Giving Voice is a peer led organization that creates spaces for younger women religious to give voice to their hopes, dreams and challenges in religious life.
Many of us "2.0 Sisters" were in the founding generation of Giving Voice, and some continue to be part of that group.
So we want to give a shout out to them as they enter an important phase in the development of the organization. They are inviting their sisters into a strategic planning process:
Dear Sisters,
We are very excited to share with you an opportunity to participate in the planning process with Plante Moran who will accompany us as consultants as we look to and create the future of Giving Voice and the Communications’ methods and tools needed as Giving Voice moves into the future. The goal of conversations is to gather the wisdom, insights, hopes, dreams, ideas and suggestions from a representative group of GV membership.  This data will be summarized and shared with the GV membership in order to articulate a vision for GV as it moves into the future and to develop a communications’ plan that will ensure this vision and goals. Read more....
Please share this far and wide, and especially invite any Sisters you know, who are 50 years and under, to take part in the initial round of conversations.

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