Friday, March 1, 2013

Reflections on On the Pope's Resignation

File:Astronomical Clock, Prague.jpg
What does it mean to let go of power?
To know when to step down?
To know when the time is right?
To do the unimaginable?

It's not giving up, but letting go.
It's not defeat but fulfillment.
It's not denial, it's affirmation.
It's not dying, it's really living.

For everything under heaven there is a time. God has made everything appropriate in its time, and has also set eternity in their heart.

As we go forward, step after step, day after day, heartbeat after heartbeat, it is hard to know when that time comes. Yet as way leads on to way, eventually the time comes when we have to make a change. We have to surrender to what is, to surrender to what will be, to surrender to the heartbeat of the Eternal.

In wisdom, in gentleness, in silence, the God of Love whispers when it is time.



And a new beginning ... this just out from Sr. Sarah Heger and Fr. Toby Collins:

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