Saturday, September 28, 2013

Be the Change

Be the change you want to see in the world. - attributed to Ghandi.

I have a chance to be the change that is:
spiritually meaningful - in relationship with the Christian community movement, with other younger women religious and with the women of Giving Voice
ecologically sustainable - in relationship with the ecovillage network
socially justice - acknowledging my interdependence with those living in wealth and in poverty, and making choices to live justly, making stands against injustice and making waves to draw attention to systems of injustice and paths to justice.
A more complete quote from Ghandi is:

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.”

Let's be the change...


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Called to "Amen"

Summer time is a time for community meetings in many congregations of Sisters and Brothers. In my ministry, I am blessed to share this time with different communities, as I come in for a day or several days to share my expertise and experience with them.

Community meetings, chapters and assemblies are times to pray, struggle, live and celebrate together. I've heard a lot about transformation in these meetings. Evolving into something new and better, greater, etc.
Augustine, the great expert in transformation, tells us that transformation begins with dissatisfaction with who we are, or how things are going. This growing dis-ease combines with a longing for a better version of ourselves, or a more integral, more radical road. I believe that some individuals and groups of sisters and brothers are called to this transformation that sets out and takes nothing for the journey: --no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic.
I believe that part of the challenge to transformation at this moment for the larger group is that there is much that is right with who we are and how things are going. This is true, even if it is not sustainable and many communities are in their last generation. We already hear the faint whisper: well done, good and faithful servant.... And in this moment, I believe that the transformation that we are called to  is a "yes-to-what-is", and thanksgiving for all that has been. I believe that call of this moment is the call to "Amen".

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I love the connections that we make through life
... how we weave in and out of each other's circles
... blessing one another in known and unknown ways.
Over the last couple of days, I have had the opportunity to touch the lives of several people, and be touched by them. They are folks that I have met through my various circles, and who are friends of friends of friends.... It is amazing to give and receive blessings in these circles of life.
Building each other up, giving and receiving blessings and touching the face of God as we weave the tapestry of life.