Friday, October 26, 2018


Related imageHope is grace that loves the future and sees its destiny in the heart of God. Hope reaches into the future, stretches out its fingers... reaching, yearning, quietly knowing. Hope looks out into the foggy coming days, smiles and says yes.
When I read the news, hear stories of corruption and oppression, news of natural disaster and suffering, it is not easy to hope. But somehow it is still right. Current events call me to resolute action. I cannot change all that I hear of, but I can do my one small part in my one small corner.
Hope is a choice to see the movements of grace in times of darkness and challenge. Hope is more than optimism, it is a firm trust in God's commitment that we "have life and have it to the full."
Hope is not hope if its object is seen, if we are already in the promised land. Hope is the belief that there is a promised land, and that God has made us for this promised land and will journey with us until we reach it.
Hope itself is a promised land. It is a place of joy and courage in the midst of darkness and suffering.
God grant us hope for our journey!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Convent Camino

Image result for camino backpack, shoes, staffWe are again inviting women to join us on a Convent Camino - a journey of discernment that will take us to several convents in the St. Louis area. More information here.
The notion of Camino is taken from the Camino de Santiago, a traditional pilgrimage across southern France into Spain. For over a thousand years, pilgrims have made this journey through nature, leaving aside their daily cares to live simply, to hike in nature, to deepen their spirituality, to discover their deepest desire and their life's purpose.
The Camino is an apt image for the vocational discernment journey. It requires discerners to undertake a long and arduous journey with their God. It is a journey filled with expansive vistas and deep personal challenges, with the tenderest blessings of joy and with the sorrows of unknowing. Yet it is a journey, we move along through life, as we move through the discernment. We can rely on God as our guide and companion on the Camino of life and the Camino of vocation.
Please pray with and for those who will join the Convent Camino. And consider inviting women who may have a vocation to religious life.